Thursday, August 27, 2020

Factors in High-Impact Innovation Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Factors in High-Impact Innovation - Term Paper Example Jewkes contextualized his examination by taking note of the basic folklore about high-sway advancement, which is essentially that it requires a ton of labor, a ton of assets, a great deal of cash and extravagant gear, and complex bureaucratic help (Jewkes). While not demonstrating the converse of this idea, his discoveries showed more changeability than mainstream suspicions support. In looking at a great scope of high-sway developments, the greater part were finished by people, working autonomously and with barely any assets, either in seclusion or inside an association wherein they had opportunity to test and dissect on their own drive without coordinating in a group (Jewkes). Concocting can be a gathering procedure, obviously, yet the sort of people who contributed probably the most significant disclosures and fundamental results of the nineteenth and twentieth hundreds of years were not alloted to an undertaking to do as such and, in different charming cases, were not even offici ally qualified in the region they investigated, found or designed inside. In some cases it was a mishap and different occasions people were seeking after interests as opposed to professions. (Jewkes) Furthermore, it appears that numerous such people are not individuals who arrange a profession field and social abilities that would charm them to a group or get them delegated to a proper situation in the zone to which they significantly contributed. They are regularly individuals who question each supposition, anyway consensual (Jewkes). They are whimsical and need to be disregarded to investigate their own interest. Numerous such people can be described as introverts. Crafted by concocting has private components to it. Thinking and inventive â€Å"messing around† with thoughts and materials needs an atmosphere of unconstrained reasoning, uninterrupte3d reflection and working self-governance. It can call forward gallant exertion. The gathering elements of a group can oblige thi nking and divert inventive thoughts, or even embarrass them. Collaboration may excessively structure the procedure and strife may debilitate it. Jewkes noticed that the human psyche, working alone, can compose and blend thoughts undeniably more productively than a group. There is lost innovative force when the individual needs to change in accordance with colleagues. Maybe these are pieces of information to why such a large number of starting advancements originated from solitary people (Jewkes). Jewkes recognizes starting spearheading disclosures and innovations and the improvement of those revelations and developments (Jewkes). Improvement will by and large profit by the assets and money related speculation, just as extra info and aptitude that can be found in a college setting or in a bigger association. While motivation and investigation is frequently at first a private issue, advancement and abuse is regularly a progressively agreeable and arranged one. Some dazzling compound a dvancements were practiced by General Motors (Freon refrigerant and tetraethyl lead), however their example was increasingly average of the solitary saint, since they are not a concoction organization, yet an engine building organization, and since their development included a component of possibility (Jewkes). Huge organizations have contributed noteworthy developments out of solid exploration programs, possibly on the grounds that examination itself has a private, solitary legend perspective which should be possible with a specific measure of self-sufficiency by an individual or a little group, and simply financed and later extended by the bigger organizati

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Ideas of Beverly Thompson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Ideas of Beverly Thompson - Essay Example This implies the origination of personality is a policy centered issue. In as much as Thompson may prevent the presence from securing a set up request of characters, the general public will in any case place her in a given ethnic attitude that makes it simple for her to get treatment as indicated by her characterized personality. For a situation of a marriage between a white and an Asian, the American culture is almost certain to characterize Thompson as an Asian. This is on the grounds that the prevailing white culture might be less ready to acknowledge an alternate character other than the built up one that places them at the most significant level. Then again, the Asian people group, regardless of mellow dismissal, may acknowledge her in light of the fact that such an ethnic gathering has constrained control over the adjusting of sociopolitical characters. Such an examination implies, that the origination and development of a character is an unpredictable factor that may override the individual in light of the fact that the general public sets the equivalent. The creator plays out a helpful undertaking of self-personality investigation. This issue is outlined in the journals of the US president, Barack Obama, who was conceived of a biracial legacy. Self-personality arrangement is a careful and strongly passionate procedure that includes picking a solitary character from specific choices. Thompson announces that she needs to carry on with her life as an Asian American since that is the main thing that she really is. Such a choice disregards the individual’s restricted force at picking one’s character. This happens as the general public makes social solutions inside which people are gathered.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Kentucky Nonprofits Provide Payday Loan Alternatives - OppLoans

Kentucky Nonprofits Provide Payday Loan Alternatives - OppLoans Kentucky Nonprofits Provide Payday Loan Alternatives Kentucky Nonprofits Provide Payday Loan AlternativesInside Subprime: October 7, 2019By Lindsay FrankelIn rural areas of eastern Kentucky, choices for banking are limited. 19.6 percent of Kentucky residents are underbanked according to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Some costly alternative to traditional banking like payday loans and title loans can have serious financial implications for low-income Kentucky residents, something local nonprofits are working to prevent.A Hazard, Kentucky-based nonprofit organization established by the Housing Development Alliance, provides low-interest microloans to residents in areas of southeastern Kentucky. The goal is to help financially burdened individuals bridge gaps in income, erase higher interest debts, and get the education they need to achieve financial stability.“I think a lot of people are making a [financial] decision based on short-term needs and hope they’ll figure something out for the long term,” said Mae Humiston, the CDFI director for the organization. “One-time emergencies can have long-lasting impact if they don’t have access to affordable credit.”When people lack options for credit, they often turn to payday loans in Kentucky. A payday loan is a short-term loan intended to be repaid out of the borrower’s subsequent paycheck. But payday loans in Kentucky carry an average APR of 469 percent, according to Pew Charitable Trusts. With interest rates that high, it can be difficult for borrowers to pay back these loans on time, which can lead to insurmountable debt. That’s why the program hopes to provide a safer alternative to folks who need credit.“The people who pay the most for credit are the people who most can’t afford it, and we are condemning them to a lifetime of debt, and we need to think about how to restructure the system so this doesn’t need to happen,” Humiston said. She added that predatory lending has flourished in recent years due to bank closures in rural area s, and even when banking services are available, they often don’t meet the needs of people with poor credit.Of the program’s five loan products, their “credit rescue” loan is most utilized by borrowers. Intended to help residents pay off high-interest credit card debt, the loan also includes financial counseling intended to help people develop smarter money behaviors.Many of the clients aren’t in debt due to being irresponsible, however. Some people with significant debt have steady jobs and make their payments on time, but exorbitant interest rates keep them trapped in debt, said Humiston.Learn more about payday loans, scams, and cash advances by checking out our city and state financial guides, including  Chicago, Illinois, Florida, and Texas.Visit OppLoans on YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn

Monday, May 25, 2020

Martha Stewart Financing an Empire Before and After a Scandal Free Essay Example, 3500 words

According to the research findings, one of the financial problems that Stewart faced in trying to convince Time Warner to invest deeper into her enterprise and to let her company expand under their umbrella was that while Martha Stewart Enterprises was bringing in over 100 million dollars each year, it only had a cash flow of around 3 million dollars. The net worth of Martha Stewart Enterprises was roughly 85 million dollars and despite claims of only having 3 million dollars in cash flow, the company was bringing in a total of around 50 million dollars per year for Time Warner. Stewart and Patrick reportedly went to ten banks, all of whom either denied her or wanted a significant amount of equity from the company, which would put her roughly back into the same position she was in with Time Warner. Stewart had a relatively small contract with K-Mart which paid her 200,000 dollars per year to act as a spokesperson for the company. This arrangement, which had lasted for ten years, was up for renewal and in this Stewart and Patrick saw an opportunity. We will write a custom essay sample on Martha Stewart: Financing an Empire Before and After a Scandal or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Meanwhile, according to Prudhomme, Stewart began a campaign designed to make parting with her a desirable plan for Time Warner. She began to make increasing demands for perks in regards to her position, including benefits such as a chauffeur and a very large clothing allowance. In addition, she demanded that she be entitled to 40% of the equity in Martha Stewart Enterprises. Stewart had been sorely underestimated for her ambitions and her desires to expand. Through negative relationship negotiation with the intent of making her an undesirable partner with Time Warner, she set the stage for the buyout that she intended. Meanwhile, the internet boom was reaching unimaginable heights in its success and Stewart was prepared to launch her enterprises into the virtual world. Stewart negotiated a deal with K-Mart to fund her buy out, along with private funds of her own and that Patrick would contribute to funding the buyout.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Genetically Modified Foods Essay - 1128 Words

Public cities around the world are becoming more involved with a wide array of new technologies without realizing it. From super computers that calculate the movement of satellites without human involvement, to handheld personal computers. Consumers abide with an egregious array of brand new scientific advances that are accompanied by confusing new terms. The food and drug administration, commonly known as the F.D.A, is focusing much of their time with food biotechnology. The all-encompassing use of biotechnology when applied to agriculture and food production increases the deeply felt environmental, economic and ethical concern. The liberation of genetically engineered organisms into the environment poses apprehensive questions†¦show more content†¦With the use of this hormone, small dairy farms are beginning to diminish due to the already over populated milk market. Dairy cows are not the only animal genetically engineered. A company called Aqua Bounty industries have successfully engineered salmon to grow to market size in eighteen months rather than thirty months that it would typically take for the Atlantic salmon to reach the market weight and size. To do this, Aqua Bounty industries inject the DNA from other types of salmon and pout, another fish derived from the ocean. This causes much concern for individuals with certain fish allergies or those who are unaware of which type of fish allergies the may have. Not only are these industries trying to market off of hormone injected foods, but cloning is now in the beginning stages of entering our grocery stores. Although cloning is the exact copy of another animal, it still allows these businesses to manipulate breeds to produce animals with specific traits. Sigrid Fry-reverse believes, â€Å"because this manipulation does not affect the quality of the food produced by these cloned animals, the government should not impose regulation on the industry† (Fry-reverse 2). Cloning live stock for nutrition purposes require no distinguishing labels to separate it from non-cloned food products. As of now, the cloned animal can be used as food;Show MoreRelatedGenetically Foods : Genetically Modified Foods1239 Words   |  5 PagesGenetically Modified Foods â€Å"70 percent of our corn farmland and 93 percent of soy farmland are planted with crops genetically engineered to resist pests and herbicides and increase crop yields. 60% of all the processed foods in the United States are genetically modified; a shocking statistic has the concern of many Americans. However, most people are uninformed about the beneficial impact that genetically modified food has on their diet. GM is the use of molecular biology technology to modify theRead MoreGenetically Modified Food : Modified Foods1165 Words   |  5 PagesCheenne 09/21/2014 Genetically Modified Food Accompany the growing population in the world and food shortages, in order to alleviate the immediate crisis, transgenic technology began to be used in the field of food production. Genetic engineering technology as a young technology, which gives us a lot of genetically modified food and gained unprecedented gains. But science is a double-edged sword. People are concern the topic about that whether genetically modified foods is safety. It is evidentlyRead MoreGenetically And Genetically Modified Food947 Words   |  4 PagesAs genetically modified food appeared into people’s consciousness, it had been at the center of vehement controversy. Because people lack information about genetically modified food’s potential influence, they wonder whether genetically modified food is a miracle or not. Genetically modified food can solve several problems. The potential effects of genetically modified food also should be measured. However, people should not assume that genetic ally modified food only has disadvantages, but understandRead MoreGenetically And Genetically Modified Foods822 Words   |  4 PagesGenetically Modified Foods What is it that we are eating? GMO’s are unnatural. Is it healthy to eat something that doesn’t belong in our digestive system? GMO’s are genetically modified food. Genetically modified foods are created by taking genes from plants and animals and inserting into our food to alter the genetic engineering. In 1984, GMO’s were first introduced when a plant was modified from antibiotic resistant tobacco. In 1994, genetically modifying food was approved by the FDA and theRead MoreGenetically And Genetically Modified Foods1979 Words   |  8 Pages Genetically modified organisms are plants and animals that have been biologically engineered with the DNA of other plants, animals, bacteria, etc. Such modifications and combinations cannot occur in nature through crossbreeding or by other organic means. While commonplace in the vast majority of our marketplace, the information and nature of genetically modified foods is not as common. Information is, in fact, available on these genetically modified products, but they have to be sought out. TheRead MoreGenetically Modified Foods1101 Words   |  4 Pages Ever wondered what has been put into everyday food and what the impact is on human health? Approximately 60-80 % of everyday food has one ingredient made from genetically modified foods. When hearing â€Å"genetically modified food† people automatically think it is only bad for health, but there is also a good impact surprisingly. The one bad thing is that people do not know what types food have been modified because the re are no labels for GMO products. Even though GMOs have a bad impact on humanRead MoreWhat Are Genetically Modified Foods?1236 Words   |  5 PagesWhat are genetically-modified foods? The term GM foods or GMOs (genetically-modified organisms) is most commonly used to refer to crop plants created for human or animal consumption using the latest molecular biology techniques. These plants have been modified in the laboratory to enhance desired traits such as increased resistance to herbicides or improved nutritional content. The enhancement of desired traits has traditionally been undertaken through breeding, but conventional plant breeding methodsRead MoreGenetically Modified Foods1787 Words   |  7 PagesPart 1 Genetically Modified Food ‘With genetically modified foods I believe we have reached the thin edge of the wedge, we are messing with the building blocks of life and its scary’ - Malcom Walker, Chairman and Chief Executive of Iceland Foods (Quotes from Scientists). Genetically modified organisms or GMOs are plants or animals made by splicing the gene and inserting DNA from different species of plants, animals, bacteria, and viruses. These genes would not naturally result in a cross breed.Read MoreGenetically Modified Food1213 Words   |  5 PagesThis report evaluate about the genetically modified food that why we need this, what are its key issues and how we can overcome these issues? In the field of biotechnology, the vast development was observed in the last few decades comprising the manipulation of genetic material to generate animal and plants with certain desirable attributes. Genetically Modified/Manipulated Organisms frequently termed as GMOs, refer to organisms whose genetic material has been modified through recombinant DNA (rDNA)Read MoreGenetically Modified Foods1928 Words   |  8 PagesAre genetically modified foods assessed differently from traditional foods? Genetically Modified Foods (GMOs) are known to cause a swarm of controversy; a lot of experts disagree with the notion that if it’s economically successful, then the potential health risks found in Genetically Modified Foods can be overlooked. The questions someone must ask themselves is this, can the Genetically Modified Foods be helpful? Does money matter more than your health? Ask yourself these questions. But before

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

An Internship With The United States Navy As A Civil Servant

In high school, I was selected to participate in an internship with the United States Navy as a civil servant. I was placed into a rotational position, so that I could learn and understand multiple aspect of the civilian life instead of choosing one path and sticking to it. I worked in the contracts department, on a source selection, with the Budget Financial Manager, on the education team, and as part of the demilitarization team for a squadron. During my time there, the organization created the Pathways Program that involved writing an Individual Development Plan (IDP). Each intern was required to create an IDP. This document was not intended to be a performance evaluation tool, but it is used to track short-term and long-term goals as†¦show more content†¦It says that the intern, the employee, and the supervisor will hold eachother accountable for the success or failure based on the intern s career goals. The IDP helps the organization establish what training it needs to provide for its employees, aligns the employees goals with the goals, mission and values of the organization, and provides an administrative mechanism for identifying and tracking development needs. It also helps the organization establish the weaknesses of their employees. This relates to the administrative mechanism because if the employee weaknesses are identified, the organization can create development programs to offset those weaknesses. There are five steps in the IDP process that are intended to make it a useful and living document, living means that it can be changed at any time. The first step is the preparation step. In this step the employee and supervisor prepare independently for the meeting. In the second step, the employee and supervisor come together to discuss strengths, areas for improvement, interests, goals and organizational requirements. The third step is used to complete the IDP with the supervisor and the fourth is the implementation of the plan. Training and development are completed or worked on in this step. Lastly, the supervisor evaluates the usefulness of the training and development experiences. One of the key features of this program is prior preparation and continuous feedback. Before the intern can

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Should Capital Punishment be legal in the U.K free essay sample

Should Capital Punishment be legal in the U. K? A poll taken showed that 60% of citizens in the United Kingdom wanted Capital Punishment re-instated, even more people wanted it in cases of murder with Police Officers or children involved. Capital Punishment is the most severe deterrent or retribution in existence and aims to deter future obligates from committing such heinous crimes for which the death penalty would be apportioned. The principal of this being that the future criminal will be so afraid that the idea would be banished from their mind. This form of punishment also helps to protect society from such orrific crimes. Some Christians believe that it is more important that society is protected than the reform of the criminal and it falls under the teachings of the Church to obey. Others believe that it is Gods will to choose who suffers or lives. It is mine to revenge, I will repay. Romans 12:17-19. This is a reasonable argument in Christian law, so most would let it be introduced again. Jesus was crucified though for things he had done and had to pay with his life, so why should capital punishment be different? The death penalty is consistent with Old Testament Biblical teaching, nd suggests that God created the death penalty. In total, the Old Testament specifies thirty six capital offences including crimes such as idolatry, magic and blasphemy, as well as murder. But many Christians dont think that is a convincing argument they say that there are thirty five capital offences, in addition to murder, described in the Old Testament. As these are no longer capital offences, Christians say it is inconsistent to preserve murder alone as a capital crime. Many Christians believe that God commanded Thou shalt not kill (Exodus 21 :13), and that this is a clear instruction with no exceptions. In light of the word of God, and thus of faith, life all human life is sacred and untouchable. No matter how heinous the crimes [the criminal] does not lose his fundamental right to life, for it is primordial, inviolable, and inalienable, and thus comes under the power of no one whatsoever: Father Gino Concetti, L Osservatore Romano, 1977. This quote shows how even if someone has done something so horrific they shouldnt be condemned to death and that Only God should create and destroy life. This argument emphasises forgiveness and compassion. On the other hand, most Muslims agree with Capital Punishment ecause it is the punishment for certain crimes stated in the Quran (their Holy book). Some Muslims disagree with this however as it is not stated compulsory in the Shariah, and for non-religious reasons. Take not life, which God has made sacred, e xcept by way of Justice and law. Thus does He command you, so that you may learn wisdom. Quran 6:151 But even though most Muslims believe the capital punishment to be allowed, forgiveness is preferred. They believe that even though there may be more severe punishment in the hands of God for a crime; there should still be earthly punishment. Most Buddhists disagree that as capital punishment is not showing compassion for all life and non-violence like the Doctrine states. An action, physical and mental pain to another being, The Buddha. This shows that the Buddhist way to stop criminals would be in favour of reform rather than deterrence, and that the offenders rehabilitation into society should be of upmost importance. They will most probably retain Capital Punishment though because of the difference between complete practice of the religion and the superficial other way in which many of the laws are not upheld. Others could be belief by politicians that capital unishment is necessary for retribution, cultural customs, or for deterrence value, a long tradition of capital punishment in a particular country, keeping order in society is seen as more important than Buddhas teaching, reaction to long periods of political unrest or economic instability. Judaism also has conflicting ideas for and against Capital Punishment. Anyone reading the Old Testament list of thirty six capital crimes, might think that Judaism is in favour of capital punishment. However, they would be incorrect. Jewish courts very rarely imposed the death penalty; the state of Israel has abolished the death enalty for any crime that is now likely to be tried there. In recent times many Rabbis have actually taken lots of measurements to ensure that it will not happen again. Interpreting texts in the context of Judaisms general respect for the sanctity of human life, emphasising anti-death texts such as the commandment Thou shalt not kill, interpreting texts to make them very narrow in their application, refusing to accept any but the most explicit Torah texts proposing the death penalty, finding alternative punishments, or schemes of compensation for victims families, imposing rocedural and evidential barriers that made the death penalty practically unenforceable. Overall Judaism appears to be the religion most against the Capital Punishment as a whole form. Christians dont have any strict rules to say that it should be forbidden and this is also the case for Muslims. Buddhism is mostly against it as punishing an offender with excessive cruelty will injure not Just the offenders mind, but also the mind of the person doing the punishing. Another Religion which believes that peace and forgiveness should be used rather than pain and punishment is Islamic. I believe that there should be a new court system ntroduced to be specifically used for crimes that are considered under the jurisdiction of the death penalty. The crime should first be Judged in an ordinary court and then pass to a higher court if the result is inconclusive. Extremely horrific crimes however will not be passed on and the penalty shall take place privately with only family and friends knowing of the event. This way the majority of cases which involve terrible crimes should be lowered as the criminal shall be deterred from committing them. This however has some negative aspects because the criminal has no chance to reform from their deeds and be introduced back into society.